(BBS), and they are usually found through more than one of these sources.
If you are unfamiliar with the use of the internet or electronic bulletin board systems, this chapter may seem somewhat obscure to you. There are many good books available for learning about the Internet that explain terminology, such as gopher and if you are interested in, your public or local university library or state employment offices may offer public access to the Internet and other bulletin board systems.
The Internet offers a wide variety of free job-related resources. If you have Internet access, it would be remiss to pass up this rich source of information.
Services available on the Internet evolve daily, which makes it a good idea to keep an eye out for new resources. There are several places where you can post a resume electronically, join discussion groups, and find on-line job listings. If you don't have access to the Internet, you can still find many of the same job opportunity resources on bulletin board systems that are available independently of the Internet.
An excellent source of Internet employment resources, available through the University of Michigan Libraries gopher server, is Employment Opportunities & Job Resources on the Internet by
M. Riley. To obtain this document, telnet to una.hh.lib.umich.edu and select the following menu choices,
Employment Opportunities Sc Job Resources on the Internet includes Internet locations for international job opportunities and also electronic journals and other publications that have job announcements,
Accessible through the Internet and other electronic service providers, USENET news groups provide opportunities for networking, locating jobs, posting resumes, and obtaining feedback during your job search.
Computer industry jobs are available as well as other engineering opportunities for the patient browser. National job postings are found in misc.jobs.offered. Local news groups can be recognized by an abbreviation in the news group name, for example:
Other news groups that might be helpful are jobs.resumes for posting your resume and misc.jobs.misc for additional resources and discussion. Several news groups offer networking opportunities with other professional engineers. These are intended for technical discussion and are not for resume or job postings.
The Human Resources Electronic Advertising and Recruiting Tool (HEART) is an employment service offered by Westech and is accessible through the Internet or directly via modem. This service offers an easy-to-use menu allowing the user to search for positions by location or job title and to apply for these jobs.
Because the electronically mailed resume is read screen by screen, your first 20 lines are important. Include a brief introductory note, no more than one screen in length, to introduce you. Use a resume format that high lights your key skills at the top of the page.
The Online Career Center is a national public-access database on the Internet for recruiting, outplacement, career assistance, and communications. This service is also accessible through America Online, CompuServe, Delphi, PSI World Dial, UUNET, and Intemic.
To reach the Online Career Center using the Internet, gopher to gopher.msen.com or gopher.msen.com 9062. Make the following menu selections.
If you don't have Internet access, for a small processing fee you can send your resume by U.S. mail. For additional information, write the Online Resume Service, 1713 Hemlock Lane, Plainfield, IN 46168, or send mail to occ-info@maiI.msen.com.
One of several electronic employment opportunity services, this nationwide database service is operated by Braxton Technologies. To view job listings nationwide, select the Confidential Resume Reader menu. Although there is a fee to list your resume, this service offers confidentiality for people who are still employed and, by its nature, inhibits gender and racial bias in the resume de-selection process. Not all jobs are listed and companies may use this service to add resumes to their pool of prospective employees.
To contact customer service, call (800) 281-2140, or by modem,
(805) 898-2593.
The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Chronicle of Higher Education is an electronic newsletter that includes a job opportunities section that provides a good source of positions with colleges and universities in the United States. Other, nonacademic job listings and international opportunities are listed here as well.
Telnet to una.hh.lib.iimich.edu and login as gopher. Select "Contents of UL Library Gopher" from the menu, then "Do keyword search." Type the keyword "chronicle," From the "Academe This Week" menu, select "job openings."
To receive a copy of The Chronicle of Higher Education by mail, send $5 to The Chronicle of Higher Education, 1255 23rd Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037, or call (800) 842-7817.
The Academic Position Network
The Academic Position Network (APN), an on-line positions announcement service, is an excellent source of faculty, graduate assistant, and fellowship positions.
To browse the APN, gopher to wcni.cis.umn.edu and select from the menu "All the Gopher Servers" and then select "Academic Position Network."
NTIS FedWorld
The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) offers a very user-friendly bulletin board system that includes federal job listings. Browsing federal job listings by city or job title is made easy with a search and retrieve functions.
To access the NTIS FedWorld bulletin board service using the Internet, telnet to fedworld.gov or This net work can be reached directly by modem as well by dialing (703)
Electronic Mail
Federal job listings can be obtained through the list server at Dartmouth University. The files are updated weekly and are compiled from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and government agency bulletin boards. Because these files are so large, obtaining them by ftp (file transfer protocol) is recommended.
To obtain the files by anonymous ftp using the Internet, ftp to dartcmsl.dartniouth.edu. The federal job files are found in the "/ jobs directory." For more information, get the "JOB_READ.ME file."
To obtain a list of available files by mail, send mail to listserv@dartcmsl. Leave the subject line blank and type the command index fedjobs in the body of the message.
mail listserv@dartcmsl
To obtain a specific file by mail, use the send command followed
by the name of the desired file.
mail listserv@dartcmsl
To receive a mail notice when the federal job listing files are updated, send mail to listserv@dartcmsl with the command add fedjobs package in the body of the message. To discontinue notification, send a message with the command del fedjobs package. The files in the federal jobs listing also include some useful information for applicants to federal jobs, such as information on federal job fairs and requirements for working outside of the United States.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
A number of electronic bulletin board systems (BBS) are operated by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Some of these systems are available to the general public. These bulletin boards were created for the use of federal agencies and placement offices.
- Federal Job Opportunities Board Nationwide
Maintained by: Staffing Services Center, Career
Entry Group
Electronic dial-up: (912) 757-3100
Voice information: (912) 524-6117
Area covered: National
Offers: Local, nationwide, and overseas federal employment opportunities, recruiting announcements, job fair and career day announcements.
- Washington Area PayPerNet BBS Maintained by: Office of Compensation Programs
Voice information: (202) 606-2092
Area covered: Washington, D.C.
Offers: Information relating to position classification of federal employees and employee and labor relations.
- Atlanta Region BBS
Area covered: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia
Offers: Job information, with listings from all regions, and general information for callers seeking federal jobs.
- Chicago Region Federal Job Information Center BBS Maintained by: Detroit, Michigan Area Office for the Chicago region
Voice information: (313) 226-7520
Area covered: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,
Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota,
West Virginia, and Wisconsin
Offers: Chicago regional area and nationwide job listings, job fair and career day announcements for the Chicago region.
- OPM Express/Dallas Region BBS
Area covered: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma,
Texas, Utah, and Wyoming
Offers: Federal training and development information. No longer carries federal jobs listings.
- Philadelphia Region BBS
Area covered: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virgin Islands Offers; Nationwide job listings, on-line job applications; and information on 0PM exams, colleges, and agencies.
- Los Angeles Federal JobLine
Area covered: Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho,
Nevada, Oregon, Pacific Ocean Area, Washington
Offers: Job opportunities in southern California, as well as regional and national listings.
Classified listings are available with most on-line services. As a general rule, these job listings are submitted by the members of the service, although some services offer additional outside resources, such as newspaper classified advertisements. In addition, some of these services access E-Span JobSearch, for merly known as AdNet. To access the job listings, membership with the on-line service is required.
- America Online
- CompuServe
E-Span JobSearch.
- E-Span JobSearch
updated twice a week, so the listings are quite current. You can access it by subscribing to many of the electronic information services including America Online, Bix, CompuServe, Genie, PC-Link, and Prodigy. E-Span JobSearch is the misc-jobs.offered news group found on USENET.
- Genie
- PC-Link
Services: Job Listings Database and Help Wanted USA Database; listings from members and from regional newspaper classifieds.
- Prodigy