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Interviewing Techniques that Get Jobs

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There are several different types of interviews that you may encounter, and you probably won't know in advance which type you will be facing. Following are some descriptions of the different types of interviews and what you can expect from each of them.

Screening Interview

A screening interview is a preliminary interview, either in person or by phone, in which a company representative determines whether you have the basic qualifications to warrant a subsequent interview.

Structured Interview

A structured interview, the interviewer explores certain predetermined areas using questions that have been written in advance. The interviewer has a written description of the experience, skills, and personality traits of an "ideal'' candidate. Your experience and skills are compared to specific job tasks. This type of interview is very common, and most traditional interviews are based on this

In a labor market where there are many qualified candidates competing for a single position, how you do on the interview will often determine whether you get the job.

Unstructured Interview

In the unstructured interview, although the interviewer is given a written description of the "ideal" candidate, the interviewer is not given instructions on what specific areas to cover.

Multiple Interviews

Multiple interviews are commonly used with professional jobs. This approach involves a series of interviews in which you meet individually with various representatives of the organization. In the initial interview, the representative usually attempts to get basic information on your skills and abilities. In subsequent inter views, the focus is on how you would perform the job in relation to the company's goals and objectives.

After the interviews are completed, the interviewers meet and pool their information about your qualifications for the job. A variation on this approach involves a series of interviews in which suitable candidates are screened out at each succeeding level.

Stress Interview

In a stress interview, the interviewer intentionally attempts to upset you to see how you react under pressure. You may be asked questions that make you uncomfortable or you may be interrupted when you are speaking. Although it is uncommon for an entire interview to be conducted under stress conditions, it is common for the interviewer to incorporate stress questions as a part of a traditional interview.

Targeted Interview

Although similar to the structured interview, in the targeted interview the areas covered are much more limited. Key qualifications for success on the job are identified, and relevant questions are prepared in advance.

Situational Interview

In this type of interview, situations are set up that simulate common problems you may encounter on the job. Your responses to these situations are measured against predetermined standards. This approach is often used as one part of a traditional interview rather than as an entire interview format.

Group Interview

You may be interviewed by two or more company representatives simultaneously in a group interview. Sometimes, one of the inter viewers is designated to ask "stress" questions to see how you respond under pressure. A variation on this format is for two or more company representatives to interview a group of candidates at the same time.


The following interview strategies can be used effectively in any type of interview you may encounter.

Prepare in Advance

The better prepared you are, the less anxious you will be, and the greater your chances for success.

Find someone to role play the interview with you. This person should be someone with whom you feel comfortable and with whom you can discuss your weaknesses freely. The person should be objective and knowledgeable, perhaps a business associate. Use a mirror or video camera when you role play to see what kind of image you project.

Assess Your Interviewing Skills
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses? Work on correcting your weaknesses, which could be anything from speaking rapidly, talking too loudly or softly, or nervous habits, such as jittery hands or inappropriate facial expressions.

  • Learn the questions that are commonly asked and prepare answers to them. Career centers and libraries often have books that include interview questions. Practice giving answers that are brief but thorough.

  • Decide what questions you would like to ask, and practice politely interjecting them at different points in the interview.
Evaluate Your Strengths
  • Evaluate your skills, abilities, and education as they relate to the type of job you are seeking.

  • If you have details about the specific job before the interview, practice tailoring your answers to show how you meet the company's needs.
Assess Your Overall Appearance
  • Find out what clothing is appropriate for your industry. Although some industries, such as fashion and advertising, are more stylish, acceptable attire for most industries is conservative.

  • Because you may have several interviews over a few days, have several sets of appropriate clothing available.

  • Your clothes should be clean and pressed, and your shoes should be polished.

  • Make sure your hair is neat, your nails are clean, and you are generally well groomed.
Research the Company

The more you know about the company and the job you are applying for, the better you will do on the interview. Get as much information as you can before the interview.

Have Extra Copies of Your Resume

The interviewer may ask you for extra copies of your resume. Make sure you bring along the same version of your resume that you originally sent the company. You can also refer to your resume to complete applications that ask for job history information (e.g., dates of employment, names of former employers and their telephone numbers, job responsibilities, and accomplishments.)

Arrive early

Plan to arrive 10 to 15 minutes before the scheduled time for your interview. Give yourself time to find a rest room so you can check your appearance.

It's important to make a good impression from the moment you enter the reception area. Greet the receptionist cordially, and try to appear confident. You never know what influence the receptionist has with your interviewer. With a little small talk, you may get some helpful information about the interviewer and the job opening.

If you are asked to fill out an application while you're waiting, be sure to fill it out completely.


The job interview is usually a two-way discussion between you and a prospective employer. The interviewer is attempting to determine whether you have what the company needs, and you are attempting to determine if you would accept the job if offered. Both of you will be trying to get as much information as possible in order to make those decisions.

The interview that you are most likely to face is a structured inter view with a traditional format. It usually consists of three phases. The introductory phase covers the greeting, small talk, and an overview of which areas will be discussed during the interview. The middle phase is a question-and-answer period. The interviewer asks most of the questions, but you are given an opportunity to ask questions as well. The closing phase gives you an opportunity to ask any final questions you might have, cover any important points that haven't been discussed, and get information about the next step in the process.

Introductory Phase

The introductory phase of an interview is very important. You want to make a good first impression and, if possible, get any additional information you need about the job and the company. Pay close attention to all interviewer's names so that you can write thank-you notes later.

Make a Good Impression

You only have a few seconds to create a positive first impression that can influence the rest of the interview and even determine whether you get the job.

The interviewer's first impression of you is based mainly on non verbal clues. The interviewer is assessing your overall appearance and demeanor. When greeting the interviewer, be certain your handshake is firm and that you make eye contact. Wait for the interviewer to signal you before you sit down.

Once seated, your body language is very important in conveying a positive impression. Find a comfortable position so that you don't appear tense. Lean forward slightly and maintain eye contact with the interviewer. This posture shows that you are interested in what is being said. Smile naturally at appropriate times. Show that you are open and receptive by keeping your arms and legs uncrossed. Avoid keeping your briefcase or your handbag on your lap. Pace your movements so that they are not too fast or too slow. Try to appear relaxed and confident.

Get the information You Need

If you weren't able to get complete information about the job and the company in advance, you should try to get it as early as possible in the interview. Be sure to prepare your questions in advance. Knowing the following things will allow you to present those strengths and abilities that the employer wants.
  • Why does the company need someone in this position?

  • Exactly what would they expect of you?

  • Are they looking for traditional or innovative solutions to problems?
When Should You Ask Questions?

The problem with a traditional interview structure is that your chance to ask questions occurs late in the interview. How can you get the information you need early in the process without making the interviewer feel that you are taking control?

Deciding exactly when to ask your questions is the tricky part.

Timing is everything. You may have to make a decision based on intuition and your first impressions of the interviewer. Does the interviewer seem comfortable or nervous, soft spoken or forceful, formal or casual? These signals will help you to judge the best time to ask your questions.

The sooner you ask the questions, the less likely you are to disrupt the interviewer's agenda. However, if you ask questions too early, the interviewer may feel you are trying to control the interview.

Try asking questions right after the greeting and small talk. Since most interviewers like to set the tone of the interview and maintain initial control, always phrase your questions in a way that leaves control with the interviewer. Perhaps say, "Would you mind telling me a little more about the job so that I can focus on the information that would be most important to the company?" If there is no job opening but you are trying to develop one, or if you need more information about the company, try saying, "Could you tell me a little more about where the company is going so I can focus on those areas of my background that are most relevant?"

You may want to wait until the interviewer has given an overview of what will be discussed. This overview may answer some of your questions, or it may provide some details that you can use to ask additional questions. Once the middle phase of the interview has begun, you may find it more difficult to ask questions.

Middle Phase

During this phase of the interview, you will be asked many questions about your work experience, skills, education, activities, and interests. You are being assessed on how you will perform the job in relation to the company objectives.

All your responses should be concise. Use specific examples to illustrate your points whenever possible. Although your responses should be prepared in advance so that they are well phrased and effective, be sure they do not sound rehearsed. Remember that your responses must always be adapted to the present interview. Incorporate any information you obtained earlier in the interview with the responses you prepared in advance, and then answer in a way that is appropriate to the question.

Following are frequently asked questions and some suggested responses.
  • "Tell me about yourself."
Briefly describe your experience and career background. If you are unsure what information the interviewer is seeking, say, "Are there any areas in particular you'd like to know about?"
  • "What is your weakest point?" (a stress question)
Mention something that is actually a strength. Some examples are,

"I'm something of a perfectionist."

"I'm a stickler for punctuality."

"I'm tenacious."

Include with your responses a specific situation from your previous job to illustrate your point.
  • "What is your strongest point?"
"I work well under pressure." Give a specific example.

"I am organized and manage my time well." Give a specific example.

If you have just graduated from college you might say,

"I am eager to learn, and I don't have to unlearn old techniques."
  • "What do you hope to be doing five years from now?"
"I hope I will still be working here and will have increased my level of responsibility based on my performance and abilities."
  • "Why have you been out of work for so long?" (a stress question)
"I spent some time re-evaluating my past experience and the current Job market to see what direction I wanted to take."

"I had some offers but I'm not just looking for another job; I'm looking for a career."
  • "What do you know about our company? Why do you want to work here?"
This is where your research on the company will come in handy.

"You are a small/large firm and a leading force in the local/national economy"

"Your company is a leader in your field and growing."

"Your company has a superior product/service."

You might try to get the interviewer to give you additional information about the company by saying that you are very interested in learning more about the company objectives. This will help you to focus your response on relevant areas.
  • "What is your greatest accomplishment?"
Give a specific illustration from your previous or current job where you saved the company money or helped increase their profits. If you have just graduated from college, try to find some accomplishment from your schoolwork, part-time jobs or extracurricular activities.
  • "Why should we hire you?" (a stress question)
Highlight your background based on the company's current needs. Recap your qualifications, keeping the interviewer's job description in mind.

If you don't have much experience, talk about how your education and training prepared you for this job.
  • "Why do you want to make a change now?"
"I want to develop my potential."

"The opportunities in my present company are limited."
  • "Tell me about a problem you had in your last job and how you resolved it."
The employer wants to assess your analytical skills and see if you are a team player. Select a problem from your last job and explain how you solved it.

What Questions Should You Ask?

"What are the company's current challenges?"

"Who is the company's toughest competitor and why?" or "I understand your toughest competitor is [name]. What do you think makes them such strong competition?"

"Could you give me a more detailed job description?"

"Why is this position open?"

"Are there opportunities for advancement?"

"To whom would I report?"

Closing Phase

During the closing phase of an interview, you will be asked whether you have any other questions. This provides your chance to ask any relevant questions that have not yet been answered and to highlight any of your strengths that have not been discussed. If another interview is to be scheduled, get the necessary information. If this is the final interview, find out when the decision is to be made and when you can call. Thank the interviewer by name and say good-bye.


During an interview, you may be asked some questions that are considered illegal. It is illegal for an interviewer to ask you


The best approach to inter viewing is one of confidence and optimism. Don't make negative comments about anyone or anything, including former employers. If you feel depressed or discouraged don't let it show. Questions related to sex, age, race, religion, national origin, or marital status, or to delve into your personal life for information that is not job-related. What can you do if you are asked an illegal question? Take a moment to evaluate the situation. Ask yourself questions like:

How uncomfortable has this question made me feel?

Does the interviewer seem unaware that the question is illegal?

Is this interviewer going to be my boss?

Then respond in a way that is comfortable for you.

If you decide to answer the question, be succinct and try to move the conversation back to an examination of your skills and abilities as quickly as possible. For example, if asked about your age, you might reply, "Fm in my forties, and I have a wealth of experience that would be an asset to your company." If you are not sure whether you want to answer the question, first ask for a clarification of how this question relates to your qualifications for the job. You may decide to answer if there is a reasonable explanation. If you feel there is no justification for the question, you might say that you do not see the relationship between the question and your qualifications for the job and you prefer not to answer it.


The best way to prepare for an interview is to practice. Give some thought as to how you might answer the following interview questions.

General Questions
  • Why do you want this position?

  • Why did you or why are you leaving your present job? Interview Questions to Help You Prepare

  • What experience do you have in this type of work?

  • What is your salary requirement?

  • What type of work environment are you looking for?

  • Tell us about the work flow process at your current job.

  • What is your experience in [specific job task required by position]?
  • Give an example of when you had to break a company or other rule and explain why you did it.

  • Would you describe yourself as ethical? In what way(s)?
Motivation and Goals
  • What motivates you to put forth greater effort?

  • If you had your choice of any job in the world, what would it be?

  • What are you seeking in a job?

  • When you talk about "growth" in a job, what are you referring to?
  • What was the worst communications problem you have confronted at work, and what did you do about it?

  • Describe an unpopular decision you had to make.

  • Describe a situation when you had a personal conflict or problem with a coworker and describe how it was resolved.

  • When did you last lose your temper?

  • What would you do if a coworker was making mistakes that affected your job?

  • How would you handle an unreasonable or angry person on the phone?

  • What type of instructions do you feel are necessary to execute an assignment?
  • Describe a high-pressure situation you have experienced on the job and how you handled it.

  • You complete an assignment but for reasons out of your control, you are asked to do the assignment over. What would be your reaction?

  • How would you handle a situation in which you had two or more concurrent high-priority tasks that had tight deadlines?

  • Describe the work load in your previous jobs.

  • Describe how you typically resolve problems.

  • How would you describe your ideal work place?
Skills and Attributes
  • Do you consider yourself an organized person? Why or why not?
Interview Questions to Help You Prepare
  • What has been the greatest influence on your career?

  • With what kinds of decisions do you have difficulty?

  • What do you like best [or least] about [specific job task required by position]?

  • What kind of details in your work do you find bothersome?

  • Tell us about your most significant accomplishments.

  • Tell us about your greatest disappointment in your career.

  • Tell us about the worst [best] boss you ever had.

  •  What have you done to improve yourself over the last year?

  • How do you spend your leisure time?

  • How would your supervisor describe you? Your coworkers?

  • If you could relieve your last ten years, what changes would you make?

  • What major lessons have you learned from your mistakes?

  • What are you weaknesses [strengths]?

  • What is the gutsiest thing you have ever said or done?
  • Describe a situation where you had to creatively solve a problem.

Although you are through the interview process, you are not finished yet! It is important to assess the interview shortly after it is concluded. Following your interview you should
  • write down the name and title (be sure the spelling is correct) of the interviewer

  • review what the job entails and record what the next step will be

  • note your reactions to the interview; include what went well and what went poorly

Everyone knows that a thank-you letter should be sent after an interview, but very few people actually send one. Make sure you are one of those few. It could give you the edge.
  • assess what you learned from the experience and how you can improve your performance in future interviews
Make sure you send a thank-you note within 24 hours. Your thank-you note should
  • be hand-written only if you have very good handwriting-most people type the thank-you note

  • be on good quality white or cream colored paper

  • be simple and brief

  • express your appreciation for the interviewer's time

  • show enthusiasm for the job

  • affirm that you want the job and can do it
Phone Follow-Up

If you were not told during the interview when a hiring decision will be made, call after one week.

At that time, if you learn that the decision has not been made, find out whether you are still under consideration for the job. Ask if there are any other questions the interviewer might have about your qualifications, and offer to come in for another interview if necessary. Reiterate that you are very interested in the job.

If you learn that you did not get the job, try to find out why. You might also inquire whether the interviewer can think of anyone else who might be able to use someone with your abilities, either in another department or at another company.

If you are offered the job, you have to decide whether you want it. "Negotiating with Confidence and Competence.") If you are not sure, thank the employer and ask for several days to think about it. Ask any other questions you might need answered to help you with the decision.

If you know you want the job and have all the information you need, accept the job with thanks and get the details on when you start. Ask whether the employer will be sending a letter of confirmation, as it is best to have the offer in writing.


In the final analysis, employers will hire a person who has the abilities and talents that fulfill their needs. It is up to you to demonstrate at the interview that you are the person they want.
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