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A Siemensnválaszokat biztosít korunk legégetőbb kérdéseire: infrastruktúrát építünk ott,nahol még nincs és fejlesztünk ott, ahol van. Ellátjuk a világot energiával,nsegítünk az iparágak gördülékeny és fenntartható működtetésében és résztnvállalunk a digitális jövő ..
AutoCAD mechanical Editing I want to change a drawing dimensions for a drawing. Skills: AutoCAD , CAD/CAM , Solidworks , Drafting , Building Architecture..
Senior Software Engineer at Acquia Budapest, Budapest, Hungary Acquia is the open digital experience company. We provide the world's most ambitious brands with products built around Drupal to allow them to ..
Responsibilities: Designing and developing scalable applications for mission-critical systems. Being involved in the server-side phases of a multi-tier software development cycle (databases, middle tier, scripts). Debugging and maintaining existing systems. Optimizing ..
Position Senior Software Engineer Responsibilities Migrating legacy MySQL database systems into Oracle Refactoring and improving legacy DB schemas Oracle Database Maintenance Designing and developing DB APIs Designing and developing applications based ..
Position The Interactive Brokers Group is one of the leading global brokers with a well-established technology driven culture. We have selected Budapest, Hungary as the headquarters for our Central and Eastern ..
Position Interactive Brokers is looking for software engineers with iOS experience who have a working knowledge of both Objective-C and Swift. You will help make our mobile trading applications even better. ..